高傲: arrogant; stiff-backed; supe ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...自以为了不起: think oneself terrific; have ...傲慢: arrogant; haughty自以为了不起的: uppish; vainglorious自以为了不起: think oneself terrific; have [get] the swelled head; proud and overweening; self-conceited; self-important高傲的,傲慢的,自大的: haughty使她以为了不起: turn a girl's head高傲,自以为是: nose in air懂得最少的人自以为最了不起。: they assume most who know the least.〖hotline了不起的: amazing; divine; fantastic; hunky-dory; much of; ripsnorting; smashing; snazzy; splendid; splendiferous; stupendous; terrific; wonder了不起的人: somewhat; spanker了不起的事: sth. important; the big time了不起的爸爸: pa pa i love you了不起的表演: terrific acting了不起的成果: fantastic work了不起的成就: amazing achievement了不起的村庄: a great village了不起的东西: much了不起的进步: extraordinary progress了不起的人物: something高傲的: haughty; prideful; proud; stuck-up; toplofty; uppish; uppity了不起的,幻想的,奇异的: fantastic了不起的第一家长: the great fi rst parent; the great first parent了不起的盖茨比: the great gatsby